The trans community has resisted throughout history thanks to our collective struggle. Today we exist because of our collective unity.

Transsalud is also a refuge for Trans Health for our brothers and sisters in the USA. Moreover, we are Trans and LBGNB people that also are health specialists committed to building and ensuring a healthy future of life.

In summary, we are not only a TransClinic, Brand or an Enterprise, ¡WE ARE A CAUSE!

Here you have access to:


How can I continue my GAHT if I live in the USA?

The plan is simple:

1. Come once or twice a year

2. We will perform the labs and review your progress during the consultation

3. We will give you hormones for 6 or 12 months and return home

¡The cost is quite affordable because all our hormones, consultations, Laboratories and surgeries have philanthropic costs!

Does your clinic work with a 14 year old patients, adolescent of childhood that are already on GAHT or not yet on GAHT?

Sure, we take care of the identity journey of patients from 11 years (the youngest so far), actually the range of our patients' ages goes from 11 to 75 years old. (>3500 patients all over 13 different countries of 3 continents)

Does your clinic have experience with placing/removing Supprelin implants?

Sure, my brother, Dr. Gerardo Muñoz is the Director of the surgical center and has experience of thousands of patients. 

What are the costs of supprelin implants/removals? blood tests? bone density scans? office visits? etc?

Do you use or prescribe more blockers? 


However, here in Mexico we use tons of different blockers widely used and tested and approved in our guidelines. 

Is there a waitlist, how available are appointments?

It depends on how you would like to be treated. Dra. Daniela Muñoz is the CEO and founder of Transsalud, so her waitlist is of one month max, however the rest of the Physicians have a waitlist of 2 to 5 days max.

Would we be able to get all our yearly care done in one trip?

Of course, we are about to finish the implementation of a Plan of Trans healthcare that will include everything (Hormones, Consultations, Bloodworks) for a year. However, right now you can have everything for a year.

Does your clinic have experience with placing/removing supprelin implants?

Sure, my brother, Dr. Gerardo Muñoz is the Director of the surgical center and has the experience of thousands of patients. 

Does your clinic have the ability to do bone density scans?

Sure, we have alliances with many lab test companies to do so and more!

Are estrogen patches generally in stock and would a longer supply be available?

There are many options of estradiol, right now the best is not a patch but a spray that is showing wonderful results. Our study is attached.